
You may be aware of a much earlier project, Australian literature on bookplates: a bibliography (1899-1988) compiled by Mark Ferson and published by the Book Collectors’ Society of Australia in 1988. There have long been plans to produce a second edition, and it WILL happen one day, but in the meantime it seems an obvious matter to use the Society’s website as a vehicle for a running update to the Bibliography.

The on-line running bibliography below is provided in sections by year, and within year entries are organised alphabetically by author name. The use of [square brackets] indicates a known or assumed author whose name does not appear directly on the original cited text. The purpose of the annotation is to identify designers of any bookplates reproduced in the listed item and to record any other information of bookplate historical interest.

I thank various members of the Society for drawing my attention over the years to items for inclusion in this Bibliography, in particular Andrew Peake, Jürgen Wegner and the late Glen Ralph.

Readers who are aware of any material that might be included in this list are earnestly encouraged to contact the compiler by email at


Beck, Deborah and others. Captivate: stories from the National Art School and Darlinghurst Gaol. Sydney: National Art School, 2022; p. 88-9
Shows pen-and-ink design in Art Deco style by Marjorie Matthew for the School’s Head of Design, Phyllis Shillito, dated 1934; includes some biographical information on Shillito

Cardwell, Ronald. The George Garnsey Cricket Bookplate. Cherrybrook (Sydney): Cricket Press, 2022
Garnsey, a cricketer, amassed a very large collection of cricket-related books. He had several bookplates, including two illustrated here, one by Norman Lindsay, and an earlier one from 1908 signed JJ.

Edmonds, Ross. Barry Humphries: book collector extraordinaire. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 413, Mar. 2022; pp. 20-3
Shows two bookplates, one by van Dongen, and a book stamp for Barry Humphries are reproduced.

Ferson, Mark. Nora Geddes didn’t get to Hollywood but her bookplate got to travel from Austria to Australia and back again. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 413, Mar. 2022; pp. 35-7
Describes and depicts bookplates by Austrian artist Norbertine Bresslern-Roth for Nora Austin Geddes and her brother Dr Harry Austin Brentnall

Fry, Gavin, David Freedman & David Jack. Harold Freedman. The big picture. Melbourne Mural Studio, 2017; p. 193
Harold Freedman, war artist, designer and illustrator, made an undated pen-and-ink bookplate for his brother Lionel Freedman.

Mollenhauer, Ellen. Recording provenance and bindings in rare collections: a lockdown project. ANZTLA E Journal (of the Australian and New Zealand Theological Libraries Association), no. 29, Sept. 2022; pp. 34-44
Moore College, Sydney, holds some books with bookplates, those illustrated marking a donation in 1809 by the Associates of Dr Bray, one ‘To the Protestant Church in Australia, from some Bachelors and Undergraduates of the University of Oxford. A.D. 1839’ and one ‘Presented by The Rev. John Henry Newman B.D. Fellow of Oriel College Oxford to the Theological Library, in Sydney, Australia’

Roberton, Beth M. Edward Stirling: embodiment and beneficiary of slave-ownership. Aust J Biog History, no. 6, 2022; pp. 103-24
Shows the armorial bookplate for Edward Charles Stirling, c. 1870s

Schmidt, Mary. A century of professional learning: Teachers Federation Library Centenary 2022. J Profess Learning, Sem. 2, 2022; 28-40
History of the Cooper Library of the NSW Teachers Federation, illustrated with the library’s bookplate recording donations by the Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia, c. 1930s

Taffe, Michael. Apart from the text. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 415, Sept. 2022; pp. 87-93
Books from the author’s library with the bookplates of Dr Frank Hobill Cole and Launcelot Hayter, illustrated

van Loon, Mikayla. Visit Mirka Mora display. Mount Evelyn Star Mail, 28 June 2022; p.13
Brief description of the Montrose (Vic.) Library display, arranged by Society member Marzena Walicka, which focuses on Mora’s bookplates: ‘Most commonly known for her work as a painter and sculptor, her bookplates and autobiographical work are less well known.’

Wade, John. An American in the East. Australiana, vol. 44, no. 3, Aug. 2022; pp. 6-7
Article on American merchant Charles Manigault showing his bookplate engraved by convict artist Samuel Clayton on a visit to Sydney in 1820. [This bookplate was discussed in Newsletter no. 31, Dec. 2013, and was dated therein to 1818]


Edmonds, Ross. Mrs Geddes goes to Hollywood – almost. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 409, Mar. 2021; pp. 12-4
Shows the pictorial design for Nora Austin Geddes signed BR (Norbertine Bresslern-Roth)

Graham, Helen. The Fairy Queen: Ola Cohn. Spirit of Progress, vol. 22, no. 4, Spring 2021; pp. 28-32
Reproduces a bookplate (which appears to be a linocut) by Ola for her sister Ziska Cohn (p. 31)

Morse, Neil Wynes and Ian Shanley. The Guyot bookplates [part 1]. Freemason, vol. 54, no. 2, Jun. 2021; pp. 22-4
Reproduces and discusses the designer Alexander Lyall Guyot and his masonic bookplate for G Chester Smith [thanks to Stephen Szabo for drawing this to my attention]

Morse, Neil Wynes and Ian Shanley. The Guyot bookplates, part II. Freemason, vol. 54, no. 3, Sep. 2021; pp. 26-9
Reproduces the bookplate for the Royal Arch NSW Study Group by Alexander Lyall Guyot and discusses its symbolism [thanks to Neil Wynes Morse for this article]

Noordhuis-Fairfax, Sarina. Spowers & Syme. Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2021; pp. 11, 74
Catalogue of a touring NGA exhibtion. Depicts linocut designs by Ethel Spowers for E L Spowers and Everyman’s Lending Library, Melbourne, and a design by Eveline Syme for herself, all from 1927. The exhibition was reviewed in the Canberra Times, 11 September 2021

Przedpełska, Beata Joanna. Kolekcjoner ekslibrisów [Exlibris collector]. Tygodnik Polski [Polish Weekly (Melbourne)], 15 Sep. 2021; p. 16
This is a review of Andrew Peake’s 2020 publication, Artur Mario da Mota Miranda: his contribution to ex-libris, and an index to his works [thanks to Marzena Walicka for sending this in]

Puplick, Chris. Royal and vice-regal heraldry at Government House, Hobart, Tasmania. Heraldry in Australia, no. 88, Nov. 2021; front cover, 3-26
The front cover reproduces the armorial bookplate for Sir Charles Gairdner, Governor of Tasmania from 1963-1968

Remnant libraries. MIV Magazine, no. 54, Autumn 2021; p. 15
Shows the bookplate of Melbourne Mechanics Insitute, dating prior to 1873, part of the Philip Candy Archive at MIV

Remnant libraries round-up. MIV Magazine, no. 55, Winter-Spring 2021; p. 13
In a book from the remnant library of the Walhalla Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library, photo of the bookplate ‘Notice’ dated 1912

Szabo, Stephen M. Not in Low: the arms of Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David (1858-1934). Heraldry in Australia, no. 86, Mar. 2021; 22-36
Reproduces the unsigned first bookplate for Edgeworth David and his etched portrait bookplate by J B Godson

[Universal bookplates]. Frankie no. 102, Jul./Aug. 2021; facing p. 48
Tear out sheet of ‘peel and stick’ universal bookplates: ‘If found, please contact …’, ‘This book belongs to …’ and ‘From the library of …’

Wersky, Gary. Picturing a nation: the art & life of A H Fullwood. Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2021; pp. 288-9
A paragraph referring to A H Fullwood’s bookplate work illustrated by his etched design for son Geoffrey Barr Fulwood, 1929 [Thanks to Jürgen Wegner for this information]


Burkhardt, Geoffrey. Collecting nineteenth century school textbooks. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 406, Jun. 2020; pp. 59-67
Reproduces prize plates from Sydney Grammar School to S Badgery, 1927, and Scotch College to R G Howarth, 1915

Ferson, Mark. 2019 Show & tell meeting in Sydney. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 406, Jun. 2020; pp. 75-6
Relates an anecdote of the NSW Southern Highlands concerning bookplate collector Garry Barnsley and media mogul/philanthropist John Fairfax, showing the latter’s wood-engraved calligraphic book label by Leo Wyatt, 1975

Ferson, Mark. H Peden Steel and the Cronulla School of Arts. Useful Knowledge (Mechanics’ Institute of Victoria), no. 52, Spring 2020; pp. 11-12
Discusses the donation of books from his library by solicitor H Peden Steel to the Cronulla School of Arts, depicting his armorial bookplate and the bookplate marking books he presented to Cronulla School of Arts

Ferson, Mark J. The art of the bookplate. Blume Illustrated, no. 4, [August] 2020; pp. 49-50
Focuses on the bookplate work of A Feint, full-page reproduction of design for Ethel Turner/Curlewis; also public domain illus. bookplates of John Kobler, Dan Piepenbring and universal design by Edward Gorey

Ferson, Mark J. Appropriation, bookplates and the Lindsays. Imprint, vol. 55, no. 3, Spring 2020; pp. 40-42
Article giving a range of examples where other artists have replicated bookplates by Norman and Lionel Lindsay or used their graphics as elements in new bookplates; designs by the two Lindsays as well as Halcyon Evans

Gibian, Jane. A nice little business. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 407, Sep. 2020; pp. 119-23
Reproduced from SL Magazine, August 2020; includes images of 11 lending library bookplates, mostly from Sydney suburbs.

Glozier, Matthew. Sir Richard Broun, 8th Baronet of Colstoun (1801-1858). St John History, vol. 20, 2020; pp. 41-57
Focuses on the elements of Broun’s armorial bookplate (reproduced) that refer to his role in the Order of St John of Jerusalem.

Howard, Mark. Personalised books. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 405, Mar. 2020; pp. 53-6
Refers to a book presented in 1898 by Presbyterian Ladies College, Melbourne, as first prize for Euclid to Eugenie Paula Hartkopf and the coloured ex libris which she hand-painted into it sometime afterwards.

Jewell, Ed. Vale: Dr John Chapman FRNS 29 May 1928 – 30 June 2020. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 407, Sep. 2020; pp. 135-8
Reproduces Chapman’s bookplate for the John M Chapman Collection

Richards, Michael. Veritas: a memory of exile. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 406, Jun. 2020; pp. 68-73
Gives the background to the wood-engraved bookplate designed by George Buday for Imre (Emery) Barcs, c. 1936-7

Stitz, Charles. James Errol Scarlett 1932-2019. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 405, Mar. 2020; pp. 42-6
Image of Scarlett’s bookplate by his niece Marian Scarlett, and a decsription of its design

Stitz, Charles. James Meagher and his remarkable translation of Ovid’s Ars Amatoria. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 407, Sep. 2020; pp. 103-13
Includes reproduction of Norman Lindsay’s pen-and-ink bookplate for Harry Chaplin, 1948

Swinburne, George. Tarnagula Mechanics’ Institute library remnant. Useful Knowledge (MIV Magazine), no. 51, Summer-Autumn 2020; p. 21
Brief outline of the Institute’s history and reference to the fact that in the 1950s and 1960s many of its books were sourced from other commercial libraries; shows bookplates from Variety Library Service (Vic.) and The Redan Book Club (Vic.)

Szabo, Stephen. From Gentleman to Bailiff Grand Cross. The evolution of the arms of Sir John McIntosh Young. St John History, vol. 20, 2020; pp. 38-40

Taffe, Michael. Downsizing/upscaling and the Windsor Press. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 405, Mar. 2020; pp. 23-31
Includes the title page of P Neville Barnett’s Armorial bookplates (1932), which had been designed by the Johnson brothers at the Windsor Press.


Anderson, Jaynie. Celebrating Harold Wright’s legacy to the Antipodes. University of Melbourne Collections, no. 24, June 2019; pp. 7-15
Mentions Wright’s friendship with Lionel Lindsay, and shows the artist’s wood-engraved bookplate for Wright.

Arnold, John. The Joneses, John Kirtley and Jack Lindsay’s Fauns and ladies. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 404, Dec. 2019, pp. 164-7
Shows H N Barker’s bookplate for Janet [Lindsay] in a copy of Fauns and ladies inscribed from Kirtley to Jack Lindsay.

[Blair, Richard]. Notes & queries. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 404, Dec. 2019, pp. 193-6
Includes images of the calligraphic bookplate of late member R Ian Jack (p. 194) and the pictorial design by G C Ingleton for G & N Ingleton, The Grange, Parramatta (p. 196).

Corkhill, Anna. Love is all. SL vol. 12, no. 4, Summer 2019-20; pp. 26-9
Records the recent donation to the State Library of NSW of papers belonging to Myles and Margaret Dunphy; includes an image of a bookplate for Myles by L Roy Davies.

Eldridge, Karen. Century-old book prize. Sydney Morning Herald, 29-30 Jun. 2019, ‘Spectrum’ p. 28
The unusual appearance in this section of the paper of a bookplate, in this case a prize plate found in a copy of The vicar of Wakefield awarded to Albert Maher by Sydney City Mission Sunday School, Feb. 1911; the writer is ‘seeking people with a connection to this particular book.’

Hancock, Joelie. The wonderful world of mechanics’ institutes. South Australia. Port Adelaide Institute (est. 1836). Useful Knowledge (magazine of the Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria Inc.), no. 49, Autumn/Winter 2019, pp. 24-6
Reproduces the pictorial bookplate used by the Port Adelaide Institute from 1959 to January 1979

Hinchcliff, Carol. Redmond Barry and the University of Melbourne Library. University of Melbourne Collections, no. 24, June 2019; pp. frontis, 31-41
Frontispiece is the bookplate of Alexander Henderson, in Onomasticum Graece et Latine (Amsterdam, 1706) the oldest title in the University Library.

Jug, Anna. The master confectioner. Imprint vol. 54, no. 4, Summer 2019; pp. 25-9
Detailed analysis of Feint’s bookplate oevre in the context of his work as a designer, drawing on the Richard King Collection donated to Carrick Hill, Adelaide, and making reference to contemporary interest in bookplates, including a bookplate design course at the Adelaide College of Art; five bookplates reproduced

Lane, Pamela. The mazing Miss Mort. National Library of Australia Unbound Sep. 2019. Online only,
Outlines the art career of Eirene Mort and reproduces six of her bookplate designs.

Lawrence, Joan. Dorothea Mackellar OBE (1885-1968). Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 402, Jun. 2019; pp. 60-62
Shows Mackellar’s bookplate by A Feint

Stitz, Charles. The story of Australian book collectors. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 402, Jun. 2019; pp. 68-86
Reproduces bookplates for D S Mitchell, William Dixson, David Bremer, Sophie Ducker, Mabel Brookes (by Harry Mason), Dorothea Mackellar and George Ernest Morrison

Szabo, Stephen Michael. From gentleman to Bailiff Grand Cross: the evolution of the arms of Sir John McIntosh Young AC KCMG. Heraldry in Australia, no. 81, Jul. 2019; pp. 20-8
Reproduces four armorial bookplates which show the progression in his entitlement to arms from 1970 to 1990.

Wegner, Jürgen. The first Sydney Rare Book Week 2019: a post mortem. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 404, Dec. 2019, pp. 167-71
Includes a critique of the talk on bookplates by Mark Ferson which was held as part of the Rare Book Week event at Cornstalk Bookshop on 29 October 2019.


Allen, Christopher. Masterpieces from the bookshelf. Weekend Australian Review, 21-22 Apr 2018; pp. 10-11
Review of ‘Inside the cover: the bookplates of Adrian Feint’ exhibition at Carrick Hill, Adelaide, with 5 Feint bookplates illustrated [thanks to Colin Cohn and Joan & Ron Lawrence]

Berlyn, Caroline and Anna Jug, Kate Davies. Inside the cover: patron and painter, the bookplates of Adrian Feint [exhibition catalogue]. Carrick Hill, Adelaide, 2018
Sections comprise ‘Precious: a brief history of the bookplate’; List of works; and ‘The man inside the cover: Adrian Feint (1894-1971)’. Illustrated with photographic portrait of the artist by Max Dupain, and 6 bookplates.

Bidgood, Jeff. Nancy Lambert Johnson further remembered. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 398, Jun 2018; p. 108
Reproduces Nancy Johnson’s Norman Lindsay Magic pudding-themed bookplate by Vane Lindesay

[Blair, Richard]. Walter Stone’s bookplate. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 397, Mar. 2018; p. 21
This issue of Biblionews reproduces many of Walter Stone’s writings; this page reproduces the image of Stone’s bookplate by Raymond Lindsay

Bogle, Deborah. Fashion plate. SA Weekend, 31 Mar.-1 Apr. 2018; p. 19
Brief review of Carrick Hill exhibition, ‘Inside the cover: the bookplates of Adrian Feint’ with photographic portrait of Feint and 4 Feint bookplates reproduced [thanks to Andrew Peake for letting me know about this]

Ferson, Mark. Appendix VII. An introduction to the Australian Ex Libris Society, in, Letters from Daisy. Letters from Daisy, Margaret (née Arnott) Oppen, to her mother, Plly, Mary Eleanor (née Dixon) Arnott, 1929-1934. Tiliqua press, Sydney, 2018; pp. 314-8, also p. 271
A variety of plates by Margaret Arnott/Oppen reproduced [with thanks to Monica Oppen]

Ferson, Mark. The art form of bookplates. Newsletter (Australian Society of Miniature Art (NSW), Inc.), Mar.-Apr. 2018; p. 4
Short article about the New Australian Bookplate Society drawing attention of ASMA members to the (miniature) art of the bookplate; illustrated with examples by Timothy Ferson, Justin Watson, Pamela Horsnell and Marina Bishop

Ferson, Mark. The Australian bookplate collector: a vanishing species? (reprinted from Biblionews, June 1988, no. 278). Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, Dec. 2018, no. 400, pp. 207-8
Includes a reproduction of pen and ink bookplate design by Michael FitzJames for the author, 1986.

Florance, Caren. Out of the book: artists and bookplates. Imprint, vol. 53, no. 1, Autumn 2018, pp. 36-9
Valuable survey of contemporary interest in bookplate design and promotion from the perspective of a printmaker and book artist; images of bookplates by Laura Castell, Ian (Spike) Farrawell, Dianne Fogwell, David Frazer, Nicci Haynes, Emily Hill, Sheree Kinlyside, Jo Lankester, Edith May, Rhyll Plant and ‘Shags’.

Horsnell, Pamela. The art form of bookplates. Newsletter (Australian Society of Miniature Art (NSW), Inc.), Jan.-Feb. 2018; p. 4
Note to members that an article on bookplates is planned, calling members to submit examples.

Horsnell, Pamela. The art form of bookplates follow up. Newsletter (Australian Society of Miniature Art (NSW), Inc.), May-Jun. 2018; p. 3
Notes response to the request in the January/February issue by ASMA member Sandra Williams, showing two of her bookplate designs

[Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria, Inc.]. Ex-libris - from the shelves of a Mechanics’ library. Useful knowledge (Magazine of the Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria, Inc.), no. 45, Summer 2018, p. 28
Shows the bookplate for the Wonthaggi Workmen’s Club Library

[Mechanics Institute of Victoria, Inc.] Ex libris - from the shelves of a mechanics library. Useful Knowledge, no. 46, Autumn 2018; pp. 28-9
Describes some books for the Nhill Mechanics’ Institute & Free Library, with bookplates still in situ, c. 1880s, images shown.

[Mechanics Institute of Victoria, Inc.] Ex libris. Useful Knowledge Winter-Spring 2018, no. 47; pp. 30-31
A book formerly belonging to the Geelong Mechanics’ Institute c. 1928 with its bookplate shown

Morrisby, Camden. What is a bookplate and why is it? (reprinted from Biblionews, nos. 8 & 9, Nov. & Dec. 1947). Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, Dec. 2018, no. 400, pp. 177-9
Unillustrated article by a long-time bookplate collector and promoter giving an overview of bookplates through history and their relevance to Australia.

Peake, Andrew. Vale: Glen Ross Ralph (1932-2018). Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 398, Jun 2018; pp. 112-115
Shows the linocut bookplate for Glen Ralph’s Wilmar Library by Marie-Claire Ralph.

Russell, Eric. A mixed bag of bookplates (reprinted from Biblionews, no. 266, June 1985). Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, Dec. 2018, no. 400, pp. 206-7
Review of the Second Bookplate Exhibition, held over 13-26 September 1984 in Prouds Art Gallery (Sydney).

Sinnott, Nigel. More interesting items on my bookshelves. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 398, Jun 2018; pp. 81-90
As marks of provenance, bookplates of W P Hurst (by G D Perrottet), Enid Milnes Torr, J E Pyke, A Alonza Sheldrick, James Humphrey Skerry (by C H Crampton), Athelstan Rendall (by Sydney Hunt), Enid Derham (for herself) and a prize plate and supralibros from The Leys School, Cambridge (UK), are reproduced.

State Library of New South Wales. UNESCO six. Sydney: State Library of NSW, 2018; p. 10
Shows bookplate for Dorothea Mackellar [Thanks to J Wegner for finding this]

Stitz, Charles. Australian bookplate collectors – the final series. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 398, Jun 2018; pp. 63-70
In this version of an address to the 25 November 2017 Sydney meeting of the Book Collectors’ Society, an image of the book label for John Emmerson is shown.

Ward, Gillian. Olive Pink: artist, activist, gardener. Melbourne: Hardie Grant Books, 2018; p. 34
Image of A Feint’s bookplate for Olive Pink, 1929


Blainey, Geoffrey. The biblio files: Charles Stitz’s heartwarming collection. Australian, 8 Jul 2017
Review of volumes IV and V of Stitz’s Australian book collectors: some noted Australian book collectors & collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which are often illustrated with the bookplate or bookplates of the collectors described therein; portrait of C Stitz

Cockington, James. In the good books. Highlife vol. 21, no. 4, Apr.-May 2017; pp. 144-6
Article on the Adrian Feint bookplate collection of Garry Barnsley, with images of 11 bookplates and a portrait of the artist [thanks to Ron and Joan Lawrence for this tip]

Ferson, Mark. Own your own. Imprint vol. 52, no. 1, Autumn 2017; pp. 30-1
Short overview of bookplates in Australia with focus on the New Australian Bookplate Society and its Bookplate Design Award 2016, featuring black and white designs by Sydney Long, Cate Benardout, Catherine Nacion, Jamie Alexander and Marissa Watson

Jack, Ian. The context of Milton Whitmont’s bookplate. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 395/6, Sep-Dec 2017; pp. 186
Colour reproduction of this bookplate, first mentioned in the March 2017 issue of Biblionews, in a note informing readers that the design is based on a watercolour by Capt James Wallis, 1814 (see also Nicholls, Chris)

Kortlucke, Suzanne. From the library of P N Barnett. Muse (University of Sydney), no. 17, June 2017; pp. 1, 26-7
Mentions the University’s collections of bookplates and of Barnett’s books; images of A Feint designs for Thea Proctor, C Nigel-Smith, S R Phippard and Dorothea Mackellar [thanks to Lee Sanders for drawing my attention to this]

Larsen, Marie. Mapping an exhibition: tracking provenance in Rare Books and Special Collections. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 394, Jun 2017; pp. 57-63
Bookplates among other marks of provenance in books from the Barr Smith Library, University of Adelaide; images of those for W H Lever of Thornton Manor, Cheshire, and for Sir Samuel James Way (Chief Justice of South Australia) by C E Tute

[Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria Inc.]. Robert Bedford and the Kyancutta Institute. Useful knowledge, no. 44, Winter-Spring 2017, pp. 9-12
Shows the bookplate for the Kyancutta Institute Lending Library

Sinnott, Nigel. Curious or interesting items on my bookshelves. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 394, Jun 2017; pp. 64-76
The author describes his eclectic library; images shown of English bookplates for Francis Fortescue Urquhart of Balliol College, Philip Paneth, and the South Place Ethical Society

Szabo, Stephen M. Theodore Napier – an Australian Jacobite. History Magazine (RAHS) no. 132, Jun 2017; pp. 18-19
Shows armorial bookplate for Napier [thanks again to Andrew Peake].

Taffe, Michael. Pleasuring the archive. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries no. 395/6, Sep-Dec 2017; pp. 109-14
Whilst cataloguing regional Victorian Catholic diocesan archives, the author comes across various marks of provenance; the example shown is the roccoco armorial bookplate for Conte Dr Giuseppe de Cardenas


Butler, William E. Review of Charles Stitz (ed.) Australian book collectors: some noted Australian book collectors & collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Vol. 1, 2 and 3. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 390, Jun 2016; pp. 78-9
Reprinted from the Bookplate Journal (UK), Spring 2015; shows image of A Feint’s bookplate for John Gartner

Ferson, Mark. Notes & Queries. [Manly Literary Institute]. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 390, Jun 2016; p. 91
Colour reproduction of the bookplate of the Manly Literary Institute, c. 1930s

Harding, Lesley. Margaret Preston. Recipes for food and art. Melbourne: Miegunyah Press, 2016; pp. vi and 73
Shows the wood engraved bookplate by A Feint for W & M Preston

Kerr, Donald J. For the boys over there! The Churchill Auction of Books and Pictures in New Zealand, 1942. Script & Print vol. 40, no. 4, 2016; pp. 222-38, rear cover
Shows bookplate by Hilda Wiseman (NZ) for the Churchill Auction marking each auctioned volume

[Mechanics’ Institutes of Victoria Inc.]. Ex-libris - from the shelves of a Mechanics’ library. Useful knowledge, no. 40, Autumn 2016, p. 32
Shows the bookplate for the Warracknabeal Mechanics Institute and Free Library

Overell, Richard. John Emmerson collection. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 390, Jun 2016; pp. 51-63
Shortened version of talks presented at the Book Collectors’ Society of Australia (Victorian Branch) and State Library of Victoria, both April 2016, regarding the significant historical book collection donated to the SLV; image of John Emmerson’s book label.

Wegner, Jürgen. An Edwards & Shaw/Fred Williams bookplate (NGV). The Shadowland Newsletter, no. 59, Jan. 2016
Gives evidence that Edwards and Shaw printed the Fred Williams bookplate; an artist’s draft is shown at catalogued as ‘Sleeping woman: Design for NGV Library bookplate (1977)’

Wegner, Jürgen. 62.8. Dr Claus Gerhardt, his bookplate. Shadowland newsletter #62 , Apr 2016
Perfectly valid musing on where to place a bookplate in the book prompted by the example of the subject’s bookplate located – most unusually – at the centre of the right-hand edge of the front free end paper.

Wilson, Louise. Margaret Flockton. A fragrant memory. Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2016; pp. 155,157
Reproduces Flockton’s bookplate for Botanic Gardens director and NSW Government Botanist Joseph Henry Maiden (1859-1925), now ‘found inside the covers of many books at the Botanic Garden’

Wubben, Emily. John Shirlow: the pioneering traditionalist. University of Melbourne Collections, no. 19, Dec. 2016; pp. 30-37 [thanks to J Wegner for putting me onto this item]
Short section on the artist’s bookplates and images of etched designs for R H Croll and R M Chirnside.


Atkinson, Frances. Under the covers: bookplates offer a window into ‘untold histories’. Age (Melbourne), 28 Nov. 15 []

Refers to the Australian Bookplate Design Award 2015 conducted by the Keith Wingrove Trust

Blair, Richard. An investigation into Brian Morrissey’s notebook: the 70 year reading list of Marion Helena Stephenson. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 388, Dec. 2015; pp. 163-73

Reproduces the bookplate by Henry J Ford for Morton & Helena Stephenson, c. 1920

Curr, Andrea. The Book Nook Library: a family affair. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries,  no. 387, Sep. 2015, pp. 121-7

Shows the bookplate for the Book Nook Library, Liverpool

Ferson, Mark. Beautiful handmade bookplates, Ascham School, Sydney. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 388, Dec. 2015; pp. 154-7

Shows four hand-painted prize plates dating from 1916-20, including one by Madeline E King

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria Inc.]. MIV news – Record scanning for you. Useful knowledge, no. 36, Summer-Autumn 2015, p. 12

Shows bookplate for the Miners Rest and Dowling Forest Mechanics’ Institute and Free Library.

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria Inc.]. Launceston’s conservation & innovation. Useful knowledge, no. 36, Summer-Autumn 2015, p. 15

No bookplates shown but the article draws attention to the remarkable survival of some 20,000 titles from the former Launceston Mechanics’ Institute library, now held at the University of Tasmania. Of particular interest is the blog pointing to a site with images of nineteenth century bookplates found in the collection, at

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria Inc.]. Beauty find from the Children’s Library. (The history page). Useful knowledge, no. 36, Summer-Autumn 2015, pp. 31-2

Notes and shows the find in an early edition of Black Beauty (London: Collins, c. 1920s) of a bookplate for the Children’s Free Lending Branch, Free Library and Mechanics’ Institute of City of South Melbourne. Founded in 1923, this was one of the earliest Australian libraries dedicated to children.

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria Inc.]. Ex-libris - from the shelves of a Mechanics’ library. Useful knowledge, no. 37, Winter 2015, p. 33

Shows bookplates for the Mechanics-Mercantile Library, San Francisco

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria Inc.]. Ex-libris – from the shelves of a Mechanics’ library. Useful knowledge, no. 38, Spring 2015, pp. 31-3

Shows two versions of bookplates for the Echuca Mechanics Institute Library in situ in six books still extant from the Library. One was from 1877, printed by R G Foyster of Echuca, and the other from c. 1886, printed by Mackay and Foyster, Echuca.

Rainforth, Dylan. Geoffrey Ricardo’s kangaroo etching wins Australian Bookplate Design Award. Age, 8 Dec. 15 []

Refers to the Australian Bookplate Design Award 2015 conducted by the Keith Wingrove Trust

Stitz, Charles. The continuing adventures of Australian book collectors. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 385, Mar. 2015, pp. 3-11

Show bookplates for W P Hurst and Bruce L Evans


Carleton, Frank. An eccelsiastical Latin manuscript bifolium found in St Mary’s Cathedral crypt. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 381, Mar. 2014, pp. 29-35

John Bede Polding’s armorial bookplate as Bishop of Hiero-Caesarea and Vicar Apostolic of New Holland

Doherty, Don. Henry Lawson My army association collection. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 382-383, Jun.-Sep. 2014; pp. 61-78.

Shows two bookplates by Lionel Lindsay for Harry Chaplin

Doyle, Peter. Pulp confidential: quick & dirty publishing from the 40s & 50s. Sydney: State Library of NSW, 2014; p. [iv]

The booklet accompanying the exhibition of the same name has as a frontispiece a detail from a larger watercolour and ink work referred to as ‘Bookplate caricature of Frank Johnson’, c. 1945, painted by Lock, the pseudonym of N M Sherlock (see image).

Due, Stephen. All the tea in China! Medical History Newsletter (ANZSHM), no. 44, Feb. 2014, p. 4

Notes on some nineteenth century doctors who had connections with both Australia and China, including George Ernest (Chinese) Morrison,whose bookplate is reproduced

Ferson, Mark. Bookplate societies in Australia. BookFare 9 (ANZAAB), 3 Mar. 2014, on-line only, available at

Brief chronological survey of the various Australian societies, illustrated with bookplates by Nilavan Adams, Mark Ferson, Tim Winters, Caren Florance and Kathryn Lovejoy. This article was taken up by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, and published on the ILAB blog on 18 March 2014 at

Freak, Elle. ‘The modern medium: colour linocuts’, in, Tracey Lock-Weir, Dorrit Black: unseen forces. Adelaide: Art Gallery of South Australia, 2014; p. 144

Shows two previously unrecorded linocut monochrome bookplates by the artist, for Jessie H Black, and N H Shaw, c. 1926

[Hockley, Erica]. December 2013 Show & Tell meeting in Sydney. Erica Hockley on Edgar Ederheimer. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 382-383, Jun.-Sep. 2014; pp. 91-4.

Reproduction of three presumably German bookplates, two for Edgar Ederheimer; also mentioned by Brian Taylor in his ‘By their books ye may [get to] know them (1): Edgar Ederheimer’, in Biblionews no. 355-356, Sep.-Dec. 2007, pp. 128-141

Littlewood, Robert C. Bookplates for Pat Corrigan & family. Melbourne: Douglas Stewart Fine Books, 2014. De Luxe edition of 15 copies with original signed bookplates, and Standard edition of 200 copies; all include a DVD containing a video interview with Pat Corrigan.

Describes Corrigan’s life and influences, his motivation for collecting bookplates and gives brief biographical information on the artists Corrigan commissioned. Designs by Earle Backen, W Rubery Bennett, Peter Chapman, John Coburn, L Roy Davies, Brian Dunlop, Joel Elenberg, Allan Gamble, Bruce Goold, Peter Hickey, Robert Jacks, Peter Kingston, Alun Leach-Jones, Euan Macleod, Pixie O’Harris, David van Nunen, David Preston, Lloyd Rees, Andrew Sibley, Irena Sibley, Blake Twigden, Brett Whiteley and James Willebrant.

Littlewood, Robert C. Ten bookplates by Allan Jordan. Stoke-on-Trent: Lytlewode Press, 2014. De Luxe edition of 25 copies, Standard edition of 125 copies.

Although produced in the UK, essentially an Australian publication; comprises an introductory essay, checklist and prints of the 12 bookplates, reproduced mostly from the original blocks.

[Mechanics' Institute of Victoria, Inc.]. The history page. Useful knowledge, no. 35, Spring 2014, p. 33

Shows bookplates of the Manly Literary Institute (Sydney) from c. 1940

Scarlett, James. Association volumes: opening up of pathways. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 381, Mar. 2014, pp. 13-28

Image of the author’s bookplate by his late niece Marian Scarlett

[Wegner, Jürgen]. 79.4. Two Gutenberg bookplates. Book ark, no. 79, Oct. 2014

Reflects on books, marked by a bookplate, once belonging to German printer Sebastian Wolf, closely linked to Eltville a town with a long printing history and important association with Gutenberg; also John Gartner’s bookplate by Allan Jordan celebrating Gutenberg’s life.


Adams, Nilavan. Artist profile: Nilavan Adams. Botanical Art Society of Australia Newsletter, no. 51, Summer 2013; pp. 1-2

Shows the original painted design for the bookplate for M J Ferson (2013)

Anon. Portfolio: Australian bookplates exhibition. Australian Artist Magazine, vol. 29, no. 12, Jun. 2013; p. 4

Highlights a Melbourne exhibition and promotes the upcoming Australian Bookplate Design Award; images of plates by David Frazer, Lionel Lindsay and Irena Sibley.

Anon. Bookplate design competition. Axis Magazine (UTS Library), Dec. 2013; p. 10

Brief note of the 2013 competition with image of winning computer aided design by Katherine Generalao

Butler, Roger (ed.). Stars in the river: the prints of Jessie Traill.  Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2013; pp. half title, 23, 146, 160, 168, 170

Evidence of Traill’s interest in bookplate collecting and exchange and images of bookplates for herself and others

Ferson, Mark J. Some items related to the development of the linocut as an art form, and to a well known Australian ballad that crossed the Pacific nearly a century ago. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 379, Sep. 2013; pp. 107-11

Shows the author’s 1985 linocut bookplate for himself (p. 108)

Ferson, Mark. Typographic bookplates. Imprint, vol. 48, no. 3, Spring 2013; pp. 14-15

Brief survey of the subject depicting designs from the 1850s to 2010, by G Hay, B Rogers, R Holloway, T McLeod and C Florance. Includes a promotional notice for the New Australian Bookplate Society.

Ferson, Mark and Stephen Szabo. 'Not in Peake': Sir John Henry Butters. Members Circular (Australian Heraldry Society), no. 159, Mar.-May 2013; pp. 10-11

Updated versions of article originally published in Newsletter no. 21, with additional heraldic information; describes and reproduces bookplate for the subject by C R Wylie.

Galinovic, Maria. Literary art form revived with bookplates on show. St George and Sutherland Shire Leader, 25 July 2013; p. 15

Article prompted by the New Australian Bookplate Society's first exhibition, held at Kogarah Library and Cultural Centre from 24 July to 11 August 2013.

Jack, Ian. St Andrew's College and its library. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 377-378, Mar.-Jun. 2013; pp. 21-34

Shows images of a leather book presentation label to the Rev Adam Thomson DD and the armorial bookplate of Dr A Jarvie Hood.

Jack, R Ian (ed). The Andrew’s book. St Andrew’s College within the University of Sydney (4th ed.). Sydney: Principal and Councillors of St Andrew’s College, 2013; p. 52

Shows the etched bookplate by Ella Dwyer for the Owen Upcott Williams Memorial Prize

Judd, Craig. Adrian Feint: a safe modernism. In, Deborah Edwards and Denise Mimmocchi (eds). Sydney moderns: art for a new world. Sydney: Art Gallery of NSW, 2013; pp. 110-113

This book accompanies the exhibition of the same name held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales from 6 July to 7 October 2013; shows on p. 112 six Feint bookplates held in the Gallery's library and archive.

Lawrence, Joan. Mrs Frances Zabel of the Roycroft Bookshop and lost Rowe Street. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 380, Dec. 2013; pp. 136-49

Shows wood-engraved bookplate by A Feint for Frances Zabel (p. 143).

Reeder, Stephanie Owen. The intimate and enigmatic bookplate. National Library of Australia Magazine, vol. 5, no. 3, Sep. 2013; pp. 20-23

Images of designs by Lionel and Norman Lindsay, Pixie O'Harris, G D Perrottet and B Whiteley

Stitz, Charles (ed.). Australian book collectors: some noted Australian book collectors and collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Second series, part 1. Melbourne: Books of Kells; Sydney: Green Olive Press, 2013

Stitz uses bookplates and other marks of ownership to illustrate many of the entries in this valuable contribution to the topic; covers subjects from A-I.

Stitz, Charles (ed.). Australian book collectors: some noted Australian book collectors and collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Second series, part 2. Melbourne: Books of Kells; Sydney: Green Olive Press, 2013

Stitz uses bookplates and other marks of ownership to illustrate many of the entries in this valuable contribution to the topic; covers subjects from J-Z.

Taylor, Isobel. Edinburgh and its books in my collection. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 377-378, Mar.-Jun. 2013; pp. 3-20

Shows armorial bookplate for Alexander Thomson of Banchory Esq.

Wegner, Jurgen. 26.19. Bookplates old and new (New Australian Bookplate Society). NfB being the News from Brandywine, no. 26, Aug. 2013 [archived at]

Detailed review of the Society’s first exhibition held at Kogarah Library and Cultural Centre from 24 July to 11 August 2013.

Wotherspoon, Garry. The Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts. A history. Sydney: Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 2013; p. 168

The institution’s bookplate with rules and fees, possibly from the 1940s.


Gray, Anne. Sydney Long: the spirit of the land. Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2012; pp. 194-5

Catalogue images 105, 106 and 108 are respectively bookplates for R Irvine, S Chotzinoff and Sydney Long.

Harding, Lesley and Kendrah Morgan. Sunday's garden: growing Heide. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, 2012; p. 74

Linocut bookplate for Sunday & John Reed, by M S.

Lovejoy, Kathryn. Suki Art. Colourful connectivity. Australian Artist, vol. 29, no. 5, Nov. 2012; pp. 18-21

Describes approach to art and her interest in bookplates, with mention of the Society; shows artwork which was basis for the bookplate for Mark Ferson.

[Markakis, Georgia.] On display – Pat Corrigan Bookplate Collection. Axis UTS: Library News Dec. 2012, issue 04; p. 12. Accessed on 22 Sept. 2012 at - /1/

Short note on this collection in the Blake Library of the University Technology, Sydney, showing a view of the bookplate display case.

Miller, Steven. Dogs in Australian art. Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2012; pp. 92-3

Reproduces images of four bookplates designed by G D Perrottet which feature dogs.

Mitchell, Adrian. Plein airs and graces: the life and times of George Collingridge. Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2012; pp. 48, 62, 74, 173

Some chapter headings are decorated with small images of Collingridge’s wood engraved bookplates; scattered text references also.

Peake, Andrew. Bookplate artists and their bookplates. Adelaide: Tudor Australia Press, 2012

Gives representative examples of bookplates by 71 Australian artists, in chronological order by birth from Raphael Clint to Kathryn Lovejoy, accompanied by biographical notes on designers and owners.

Reinacher, Lynn. Dream a little dream. OUTthere Skytrans, Apr.-May 2012; pp. 12-3

Features the work of Queensland artist Kathryn Lovejoy, who in interview highlights her membership of the New Australian Bookplate Society and her first personal bookplate commission

Tasker, Michael. Hunting and gathering … and giving. Look (Art Gallery of New South Wales), Aug. 2012, pp. 32-3

Short article on art patron and collector Pat Corrigan with images of bookplates by John C Goodchild and Lionel Lindsay.


Chappell, John. Henry, his roses, four siblings and their francophile brother – a memoir on the Quinns' 52-year residency in Petersham, in, K Sutton, R Blair, L Beach (eds), Marrickville: a past worth preserving. Marrickville: Marrickville Heritage Society, 2011; pp. 54-60

A note on the Quinn family, with details of the career of John Joseph, who became NSW Parliamentary Librarian, and showing his bookplate by Lionel Lindsay.

Clifford-Smith, Silas. Percy Lindsay, artist & bohemian. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2011; pp. 46, 49-50

Shows previously unrecorded pen and ink bookplate for W W Woodland, by Percy Lindsay, dated 1917.

Ferguson, James. John Alexander Ferguson: preserving our past, inspiring our future. Canberra: National Library of Australia, 2011; pp. between 64-5, 154

Shows Ferguson's bookplate by Lionel Lindsay (1914); describes commissioning of design for the NLA Ferguson collection by G C Ingleton.

Ferson, Mark J. Harrie P Mortlock and the Beacon Press, Sydney. Script & Print (Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand), vol. 35, no. 2, Jun. 2011, pp. 80-98

Attempt to raise the profile of the little known proprietor of the semi-private press which printed Barnett's beautiful bookplate and Japanese print books as well as the Australian Ex Libris Society Year Books; cover image is Mortlock's own bookplate design.

Ferson, Mark J. Collecting: pastime or passion. RACP News, vol. 31, no. 5, Oct. 2011, pp. 42-3

The author was leant upon to reveal his leisure pursuits; with reproduction of two bookplates by M Ferson.

Grow, Robin. Napier and Christian Waller (Bookplates), in, Delightfully Deco. Albury (NSW): Albury City Council, 2011; p. 93

Well illustrated catalogue of the 'Albury delightfully Deco' exhibition held from 9 July to 9 October 2011. Shows one bookplate by Napier and two by Christian Waller.

Kells, Stuart. Rare: a life among antiquarian books. Sydney: Folio, 2011; pp. 265-83

A biography of Melbourne bookseller Kay Craddock who handled a number of important collections of bookplates and associated material, including those of John Gartner and James R Dickson; image of Gartner catalogue featuring his bookplate by Allan Jordan.

Littlewood, Robert C. Lionel Lindsay. The printmaker's printmaker. Melbourne: Douglas Stewart Fine Books, 2011. 48pp. Standard (paperbound) edition of 1000 copies, deluxe edition (cloth) of 160 copies.

Catalogue essay by Littlewood; includes reproductions of bookplates at nos. 87-98.

McDonald, Brian. George Mackaness: an intriguing insight. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 371/372, Sep.-Dec. 2011, pp. 134-40.

Mackaness as a promoter of Australian historical writing, particularly in reference to the First Fleet; image of Mackaness 'Bountiana' bookplate by G C Ingleton.

Middlemis, Cas. Finding Netherby and its custodian Robert Pulleine. Australian Garden History, vol. 22, no. 3, Jan.-Mar. 2011, pp. 6-11

Thanks to Richard Heathcote for this item; shows Pulleine's bookplate by SA artist F Millward Grey.

Miller, Steven. Art Gallery of New South Wales Research Library and Archive. Imprint , vol. 46, no. 2, Winter 2011, p. 21

Article on book and bookplate collections held, illustrated with Irena Sibley bookplate for Pat Corrigan.

Milthorpe, Naomi. Evelyn Waugh His Book. Script & Print, Vol. 35, no. 4, Dec. 2011, pp. 219-23, front cover

Describes and reproduces two bookplates, one armorial, and one typographic in Waugh's personal library held in the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre, University of Texas at Austin.

Stitz, Charles. The story of Australian book collectors. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 370, Jun. 2011, pp. 51-66

Stitz provides precis of some of the collectors described more fully in his book; includes images of the bookplates of 9 collectors.


Adkins, Keith. Reading in colonial Tasmania: the early years of the Evandale Subscription Library. Ancora Press, Melbourne, 2010.

Image of the bookplate of Henry Dowling's Circulating Library, Launceston (p. 37).

Barber, Stella M. The pride of Prahran. A hitsory of the Prahran Library 1860-2010. Melbourne: City of Stonnington, 2010; pp. 17, 39 and endpapers

Depicts various bookplates for the main library and children’s library dating from 1877 and 1919

Bidgood, Jeff. An Australian bookplate. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 365-6,  March-June 2010, pp. 27-32

Describes detective work involved in identifying the bookplate of Katherine Shaw of 'Wooriwyrite'.

Brunton, Paul and Richard Neville. 2010 centenary guide. One hundred. Celebrating the Mitchell Library centenary 1910-2010. State Library of NSW, Sydney, 2010

Includes image of the D S Mitchell armorial bookplate.

Contributors, The. December 2008 Sydney show & tell meeting. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 365-6,  March-June 2010, p. 20

Note of presentation by M Ferson on manuscript ex libris, with illustration of design for W J Rock.

d'Apice, Richard. Lachlan Macquarie, fifth governor of New South Wales, Scots clansman and armiger. Heraldry News, no. 55, Nov. 2010, pp. 3-40

Shows a bookplate used by Lachlan Macquarie's son (Lachlan jnr) and found in two editions of the Book of common prayer held in the Mitchell Library.

Littlewood, Robert C. Ex Libris: K Brian Stonier. Lytlewode Press, Stoke-on-Trent, 2010. Edition of 275 copies signed by the author.

One of a series of booklets published by the author in England but primarily distributed in Australia and on entirely Australian bookplates subjects; includes a copy of the etched design by Lionel Lindsay.

Pitt, Elspeth. Ex libris: the printed image and the art of the book. Imprint, vol. 45, no. 1, autumn 2010, p. 14

An introduction to the exhibition of the same name held at the Art Gallery of South Australia from February to May 2010.

Reynolds, Sue. Cultural record keepers: the Library of the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, Australia. Libraries and the Cultural Record, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 491-4

Shows suprlibros and Rules of the Library of the Supreme Court.

Stitz, Charles. Australian book collectors: some noted Australian book collectors and collections of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Bread Street Press, Bendigo, 2010.

Stitz uses bookplates and other marks of ownership to illustrate many of the entries in this valuable contribution to the topic.

Taylor, Brian. Launch of Jeff Bidgood's Mark Ferson: bookplate artist (Studies in Australian Bibliophily, no. 7) at the BCSA meeting in Summer Hill on 6 March 2010. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 365-6,  March-June 2010, pp. 37-40

With photo of author, artist and launcher; also image of bookplate by M Ferson for his mother Ida Ferson.

Whiteway, Penelope. 'Bookplates', in, Roslyn Follett (ed.). Found in Fryer: stories from the Fryer Library Collection. University of Queensland Library, Brisbane, 2010, pp. 76-7

Refers to bookplates in the Hayes Collection such as that by Lionel Lindsay for Margaret Reynolds and other bookplate donations to the library; includes images of Lindsay's design for M Reynolds, and of the copper etching plate for this design.

Bidgood, Jeff. Some reminiscences of the BCSA. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 361-2,  March-June 2009, pp. 4-12

Designs by N Lindsay, A O Spare, Unk White, R Lindsay, G D Perrottet for prominent early members of the Society.

Bidgood, Jeff. Mark Ferson, bookplate artist (Studies in Australian Bibliophily, number 7). Book Collectors' Society of Australia, Sydney, 2009. Edition of 50 numbered copies signed by the author and artist.

Reproduces 34 designs carried out in a variety of mediums between 1979 and 2004, a note on each owner, portraits of the author and artist, and lists of the artist's bookplate articles and talks.

Downer, Christine. This book belongs to … European bookplate collections in the State Library of Victoria. La Trobe Journal, no. 84, December 2009, pp. 60-75

Extensive discussion of the Politzer and Gartner bookplate collections held by the SLV and how they came to be there; designs by T Bewick, BUKO, Sumiko Euki, M Kislinger, E Kotrba, J Lukavsky, T Marangoni, D Riley, Hitoshi Seimiya, L Wyatt, Motoi Yanagida.

Ives, Alan. Robert Thorburn Turnbull; his bookplate by D H Souter. Margin, no. 77, April 2009, pp. 39-40

Describes provenance and associations of a book found at a Lifeline book fair (Canberra), illustrated by the Souter bookplate.

King, Richard. Adrian Feint's bookplates, in, Richard Heathcote (ed.), Adrian Feint: Cornucopia. Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 2009, pp. 32-5

From an essay first published in Newsletter no. 8, reproduces 5 of Feint's designs with a portrait of the artist. The book as a whole covers varying aspects of his life and work, with extensive illustrations in colour, and was published to accompany the exhibition at Carrick Hill, Adelaide.

McMullin, Brian J. Domestic—colonial—domestic. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, nos. 361-2,  March-June 2009, pp. 29-37

Prize bookplate from Heathcote Road Wesleyan Sunday School, Longton (UK).

Among ways of interesting children in reading, this section inspired by the bookplate exhibition at the State Library of Queensland October 2007 to January 2008.


Contributors, The. The December 2006 Show & Tell meeting in Sydney. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 354, Jun. 07, pp. 50-57

One of the ‘contributors’ was M Ferson who handed around a copy of a book on the graphic arts of the Belgian Victor Stuyvaert, with his bookplate for J L Mullins reproduced.

Davies, Antony. Telling a book by its (inside) cover. Australian, 14 Mar. 2007, Wealth 8

This article tends to concentrate on the market value of some Australian bookplates at what seem to be inflated prices. But perhaps they are not, when they are viewed as original and perhaps rare prints by desirable artists such as Norman Lindsay and Adrian Feint.

[Ellis, Elizabeth & Paul Brunton]. A grand obsession: The D S Mitchell story. State Library of NSW, 2007

Published in association with the exhibition of the same name, Mitchell’s armorial bookplate features on the inside front cover and on p.18.

Ferson, Mark J. Australian bookplates of the 1890s: art nouveau experiments by Australian artists. World of Antiques & Art, no. 73, Aug. 07 to Feb. 08, pp.134-6

The author draws comparisons between English art nouveau graphics of the 1890s, including bookplates promoted by Studio magazine, and early pictorial designs by N Lindsay, T Roberts, D H Souter, E Mort, S Long, J Shirlow and T Proctor.

Ferson, Mark J. Blanche Milligan’s bookplate letters. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 353, Mar. 07, pp. 22-5

Highlights of a small collection of papers of one of the earliest of Sydney collectors, spanning the period 1912 to 1932; with portrait, and designs by D H Souter and W P Barrett.

Gaunt, Heather. The library of Robert Carl Sticht. La Trobe Journal, no. 79, Autumn 2007, pp. 5-26

Analysis of Sticht’s large library based on his letters and compiled catalogue, depicts two of his 3 bookplates (p. 13), by Osboldstone & Co., Melbourne, and John Shirlow.

Gosling, Andrew. Jessie McLaren: an Australian in Korea. National Library of Australia News, Aug. 07, pp. 11-14

Bookplate marking a collection of books formerly belonging to McLaren given by her daughter Rachel Human to the NLA.

Kraal, Diane. From Chatswood to Edo: the life and books of P Neville Barnett, Melbourne, the author, 2007. Numbered edition of 30 copies.

This distillation of the author’s doctoral thesis provides a fascinating glimpse into Barnett’s life and the difficulties he faced in producing possibly the most beautiful books ever produced in Australia; his bookplate by Edward Warner reproduced on rear cover.

Nugent, Ann. ”Ex libris” stories to tell … National Library of Australia News, vol. 17, no. 8, May 2007, pp. 3-6

The writer draws examples from the large bookplate collection of the National Library and really brings to life the colourful owners of some of these plates.

Stewart, Elaine. Eureka – it’s a David Scott Miitchell. atmitchell, vol. 3, no. 2, Jul. 07, pp. 8-9

Describes library volunteers sifting thorugh every book in the libray to identify whether it had once belonged to D S Mitchell; depicts his armorial bookplate, with the motto ‘Eureka’.

Tiffin, Craig. Father Hayes' literature collection. Fryer Folios, vol. 2, no. 2, Dec. 07, pp. 18-20

In issue devoted to the Hayes collection, this article about books and manuscripts of literary interest shows Timothy Cole's bookplate for H T Radin and Lionel Lindsay's design for H L White.

Wishart, Alison. Ex libris: bookplates for our collections (Exhibition preview). Imprint, vol. 42, no. 3, Spring 2007, p. 3

Short preview of upcoming exhibition at the State Library of Queensland, illustrated with a humorous modern linocut bookplate by Ron McBurnie and and etched design by C W Sherborn for Robert Cutting.


Close, Cecily. Arthur Greening, publisher of The Scarlet Pimpernel. La Trobe Journal, no. 78, Spring 2006, pp. 39-55

Shows the bookplate for Arthur Greening by David Whitelaw, 1906.

d'Apice, Richard J W. The heraldry of Sir John Forrest GCMG (1847-1918).  Heraldry News (Journal of Heraldry Australia Inc), no. 43, Nov. 2006, pp. 19-35

Detailed examination of use of arms by Forrest with reproduction of his bookplate by Wyon and an unattributed family design.

[Dalby, Alyson.] Physician leaders in the History of Medicine Library. RACP [Royal Australasian College of Physicians] News, Aug. 2006, p. 17

Mentions Sir Edward Ford as benefactor of the Library (located in Sydney) and shows his bookplate by N Lindsay.

Ferson, Mark J. Bookplates of Lena Cohn in Das kleine Schmetterlingsbuch. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 350, Jun. 2006, pp. 62-3

Note regarding a European émigré to Australia via Palestine and the two (unsigned) bookplates adorning one of her books dating from the 1930s and 1947.

[Ferson, Mark J.] New Australian Bookplate Society. Biblionews and Australian Notes & Queries, no. 352, Dec. 2006, pp. 136-7

Draws attention to the meeting to found the Society which had been held in Sydney on 22 October 2006; Mark Ferson elected President and Mary Keep, Secretary, with contact details.

Kraal, Diane. The print world of P. Neville Barnett [exhibition catalogue]. La Trobe University Art Museum and Collections, Bundoora, Victoria, 6 Jun. – 14 Jul. 2006

Mainly an essay by the curator with a series of sub-headings: ‘Bookplate art’, ‘Changing themes’, ‘Barnett’s Japanese contacts’ and ‘Barnett’s legacy’; the latter draws attention to the beautiful books he left and the new scholarship (for the Western world) on Japanese woodblock art. Inserted is a listing of works in the exhibition.

Lightbourne, Ruth. Bookplates, book labels, and handwritten inscriptions in a New Zealand colonial library. Bibliographical Society of Australia & New Zealand Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 3, 2004, pp. 62-77 (publication date, 2006)

Refers to bookplates as marks of provenance in books donated in the second half of the nineteenth century to the General Assembly Library, forerunner of the N.Z. Parliamentary Library, and now in the Mangaroa Collection of the National Library of New Zealand. Most were donated by English owners, and are marked by armorial plates or labels dating from the eighteenth or early nineteenth centuries. Four designers are identified: J. Cross & Son (for Felix Wakefield), Huntly of 74 Bond Street (for Sir Stamford Raffles), Henry Hays of 168 Regent Street (for Marmaduke Constable Maxwell) and Cleghorn (for James Heywood Markland).

Littlewood, Robert C. Six bookplates engraved by David Frazer. Lytlewode Press, Stoke-on-Trent, 2006. Edition of 150 copies signed by the author.

Brief introduction followed by six tipped-in original wood engravings; although published in England, this book was planned in part to raise the profile of the Melbourne-based Australian Bookplate Society. The colophon states that 'one copy of the book has been given to the President of each of the Ex Libris societies throughout the world in the spirit of international Bookplate fellowship.'

McKay, Kirsten. Sybil Craig 1901-89 Modernist painter. Castlemaine: Castlemaine Art Gallery and Historical Museum, 2006; pp. 29, 31

Shows linocut bookplate by Craig for her own use (p. 31); also asserts, presumably in the context of the early 1930s, that 'Her printmaking interests soon shifted towards producing bookplates depicting Australian flora and fauna, engendered by her mother's subscription to the [Australian] Ex Libris Society'.

McLean, Dineke. Book plates or ex libris. Deckle Edge (Newsletter of Papermakers of Victoria Inc.), vol. 18. no. 5, Sep.-Oct. 2006, pp. 10-11

This article encourages readers to design their own bookplates, illustrated with designs by Andre Vlaanderen and by primary school children.

Struve, Walter. ‘Dedicated to the promotion of international understanding’: a memorial for Kurt Offenburg at the State Library. La Trobe Journal, no. 78, Spring 2006, pp. 56-70

Typographic bookplate from 1950 marking the ‘Kurt Offenburg Memorial Collection’ in the State (then Public) Library of Victoria.

Tindal, Marilyn. [Letter]. Deckle Edge (Newsletter of Papermakers of Victoria Inc.), vol. 18. no. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2006, p. 11

A reader's response to the D McLean item, showing a calligraphic bookplate for her own use printed on hand-made paper.


Braye, Donna. The Mosman Local Studies Collection. Australiana, vol. 27, no. 4, Nov. 2005, pp. 17-22

Describes the eclectic nature of the collection, such as memorabilia donated by Dame Winfreda Isabel Ashton, including the Lionel Lindsay bookplate for Will Ashton.

Warner, Colin and  Mark Hildebrand.
The charm of the bookplate, in, Heritage collection, Nelson Meers Foundation, 2005. Sydney, State Library of New South Wales, 2005, pp. 40-41

Introduction to bookplates, with reproductions of three designs by A Feint and one by Lionel Lindsay, forming one section in the catalogue issued to accompany the survey exhibition of the library’s heritage collection.


Allen, Lindsay. Personal bookplates. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, p. 1

Introduction by the issue’s guest editor to the theme of the June issue; illustrated with his bookplate by Nathanial S. Cliff. The front cover shows bookplates by Sybil Craig and G D Perrottet, and a reproduction of an advertisement for Turner & Henderson, Sydney, engravers and embossers, who were responsible for many armorial bookplates; on p. 16 a bookplate by Karna Birmingham, with no associated text.

Allen, Lindsay. Classic writings on Australian personal bookplates. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, p. 6

Very brief overiew of the Australian vogue for bookplates in the 1920s and 1930s, ending on a positive note: ‘… but as other articles in HISTORY magazine will show, bookplates are making a revival.’ Illustrated with a design each by Harry Weston and N Lindsay.

Allen, Lindsay. Barnett and the Beacon Press. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, pp. 7-8

Notes on each of Barnett’s four bookplate books and a mention of the recent publication of Don Roberts, Rockwell Kent: The art of the bookplate (San Francisco, Fair Oaks Press, 2003). Bookplates by R Kent, E Thake and Barnett’s own photographic portrait plate are shown.

Hubber, Brian. Leading by example: Barry in the library. La Trobe Journal, no. 73, Autumn 2004, pp. 68-74

Describes the requirement for each book of the Melbourne Public Libray to have a stamp on the cover (supra-lobros) and shows images of two versions

Edquist, Harriet. Harold Desbrowe-Annear. A life in architecture. Melbourne, The Miegunyah Press, 2004, pp. 47-50, 222-3

Edquist makes an important mention of the bookplate competition held by the T Square Club in 1900, which Desbrowe-Annear won. She refers to and reproduces the bookplate by M Napier Waller for the architect and alludes to his library which included a copy of W T Hardy’s Bookplates.

Ferson, Mark J. Bookplates in Australia: a brief medical history. History of Medicine Library Newsletter (Royal Australasian College of Physicians), vol. 1, no. 2, Sep. 2004, pp. 2-3

Very brief overview with emphasis on medical bookplates, reproducing those by L Lindsay, N Lindsay, M FitzJames.

Jack, Ian. Colonial bookplates in a country-house library. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, p. 9

An analysis of the early bookplates of the Macarthur family of Camden Park, highlighting some pitfalls in using bookplates to date precisely the ownership of the books (or vice versa) into which they have been pasted; shows one armorial design for ‘Macarthur. Camden Park’ dating from the 1830s.

[Jewell, Edwin.] The Australian Bookplate Society. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, p. 8

A blurb for the Society

Park, Kenneth W. 'Thrusting forward': a note on the armorial bearings. La Trobe Journal, no. 73, Autumn 2004, pp. 108-11

Armorial bookplate of Redmond Barry

Rost, Alan. Charles Bertie – the researcher’s friend. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, pp. 10-12

Describes Berties’ prodigious output of writings on Australian history and his fruitful collaboration with Sydney Ure Smith; illustrated with Bertie’s design by Gayfield Shaw, also designs by L R Davies and K Michel.

Scott, Margaret. History of bookplates in Australia. History, no. 80, Jun. 2004, pp. 13

Brief note drawing attention to the John Lane Mullins bookplate collection in the Mitchell Library, Sydney; shows P Shillito design for De Groot.